The popular belief is that more is better. If you desire optimal results, the opposite is true. At MaxStrength Fitness we are always searching for the minimal amount of time spent exercising that will produce the optimal stimulus for physical adaptation.
In order to stimulate the body for change, the exercise intensity must cross a certain threshold to ensure the body will respond.
We focus on the “intensity” of the exercise. At MaxStrength Fitness “intensity” means training to muscular failure. In other words, we want to “inroad” your muscular system to ensure a high enough stimulus has been experienced to produce a result. Most people stop well shy of inroading their muscular system. Therefore, they spin their wheels exercising for hours on end, multiple days a week, never getting the results they desire.
By training to muscular failure, we send a signal to your body that the body must change and adapt. Also, we use low-force training protocol, which involves lifting and lowering the weights over a 10 second time frame. This robs the body of acceleration and momentum, which keeps the muscle under continuous load and more effectively fatigues the muscle.
As we educate you on proper form and focus and how to get the most out of your body you will quickly discover that 20 minutes is all you need to achieve optimal results!