
Three Simple Words

By February 13, 2023No Comments

Seeing as Valentine’s Day is today, I thought this was the perfect time for this message.

Life is happening all around us, and as passionate as I am about health and fitness, sometimes there are more important things to talk about than the latest and greatest 5 foods for a flat stomach or the importance of form and intensity during exercise.

I want to share 3 of the most simple yet powerful words you can speak…

“I love you.”

I tell my family and close friends that I love them all throughout the day, every day.

My closest friends and my family know they are loved. Not because they are left to assume it, but because I tell them.

Life is too short for the things that matter most to go unsaid.

I LOVE YOU, our MaxStrength Fitness Family of clients.

It is YOU that bring me so much joy day in and day out.

Your stories of success.

Your ability to overcome adversity and obstacles and challenges.

Your dedication to improving your quality of life through strength training.

Your conversations. Your trust in us. These are just a few of the reasons I LOVE YOU!

Cherish the people around you today.

Let them know they’re important to you.

Let them know you love them.

Say it today.

Say it like you mean it.

Say it often.

No one gets tired of being reminded that you love them, or hearing that you care.

Yes, show it, but also say it.

You never know when someone needs to hear those 3 simple words most.

Until next time, be strong, eat clean, say I LOVE YOU, and live well!