I have a short video today but it’s a good one. Let me ask you a quick question … are you ready to try ONE THING
tomorrow morning that will help make your day GREAT? Maybe it can level up your day from “OK” to “AMAZING.”It can also leave you feeling ACCOMPLISHED. Are you ready? Well, I have a suggestion for you that can make a massive difference. It’s a small thing and it might even seem a little uncomfortable …
so bear with me! This might sound incredibly simple … but what if, as soon as you woke up,
you set a WORD for your day? And whatever word you choose becomes your theme for the day. The word should make you feel empowered and strong … focused …
and basically EXCITED about your day. It should be a word that RESONATES with you, motivates you,
or keeps you focused on what you want to be mindful of that day. Keeping this word in mind as you go through your day can help:
● Give you energy
● Inspire you
● Give you direction for your day
● Keep you on track with your goals
● & can even be a prompt to stick with your healthy habits and routines!
Try finding ONE WORD for tomorrow (or even for the rest of today!)and use it as your theme for the day! I’ll join in. My word for tomorrow is Present! In every interaction, whether it’s being with my kids, a conversation at work,
meeting with a new client, or just walking in nature, I want to be fully present in that moment. And I’m going to remind myself of it during the day by setting a reminder on
my phone every few hours throughout the day. Are you with me? Let me know! Drop me a message or comment below!
Let me know your word.
Until next time, be strong, eat clean and live well