It’s back to basics month here at MaxStrength Fitness, and I’ve got a good one for you in this video.
It’s what I personally do to keep my nutrition dialed in, so I feel fit, energized, and ready for whatever comes my way.
I’m going to be sharing my weekly meal game plan in this video so you can see an example of just how easy it can be.
After talking with my clients, I know many people feel overwhelmed and confused about exactly what they should do.
So they just kind of “make it up” every day – without ever having a plan in place.
My game plan works for me because it fits my goals and routine – so while a couple of the details might not work for you … they might give you a few ideas to help streamline your own game plan!
With 3 teenage girls, busy sports and social schedules, and the fact that I’m not the greatest cook in the world, except I can kill it on the grill, I need to keep it as easy as possible.
My breakfast Monday-Friday is the same for the last 20 years. It’s my Super Easy, Super Shake consisting of NanoGreens10, NanoPro Whey or Vegan (I like to alternate) and Nano EPA/dha (fish oil).
You can find all about in the separate video I did at It takes about 60 seconds and gives me protein, essential fats, and phytonutrients to kick start my day! I highly recommend it. I mean, I’ve been doing it for 20 yrs! On the weekends, I’ll make an omelet with some sausage or bacon and peppers and cheese.
Again, very simple! Lunch is easy because it’s either leftovers from dinners (I typically make an extra serving for Jeff the next day OR I’ll buy a pre-cut veggie tray on Sunday when I shop along with some single-serving size hummus, a tuna pack or chicken from the prepared food section for a protein and a piece of fruit and that’s a simple lunch! If I’m eating out for a lunch meeting, it’s simple, a protein and 2 servings of veggies or side salad and I’m good to go. Pass on the starch. For dinners every Sunday I create a plan for the rest of the week, with 2-3 different dinners. I utilize a few options: a meal service like Hello Fresh, Clean Eatz or the prepared food section at the grocery store or if I’m cooking simply use my meal template of a protein, veggie and starch. Spices go a long way! I stick to my template of of 1 serving of protein and 2 servings of veggies for dinners and save the starches for the days I strength train at MaxStrength Fitness.
I’m more apt to burn through the starch on days I train rather than store it and convert it to fat, inflame my joints or inflame my gut, which typically happens to starch as we don’t digest them or burn through them as well as we did in our more active younger years!Do you have a game plan for your meals every week? Or do you “wing” it? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email at you’re looking for ideas for your meals, you’ll want to check out my latest ebook, Healthy + Delicious 5 Ingredient Recipes. These are amazing and easy to whip up. You can download your copy at
And if you need help simplifying your fitness program you can request a free initial consultation and demo workout at Thank you for watching! I hope this info helped you. Talk with you again soon!