
Small Steps to Big Wins

By December 22, 2022No Comments

Hey, it’s Jeff here from MaxStrength Fitness… and in this video, I am going to talk about an old-fashioned piece of wisdom.

It’s one that I find incredibly motivating … and you’ll probably resonate with this, too.

So this piece of wisdom dates back at least a century … and while it might seem like it only applies to chores around the house …

it actually applies to any big change you want to make in your life.

Since we’re at the start of a new year, I thought it was pretty timely to talk about it now.

Ready? Here’s the saying:

“It’s easier to clean a clean house.” 

On the surface, that seems too simple and obvious to be meaningful … but hang with me!

What it really means is that the small things you do CONSISTENTLY are what make the most difference! 

Not see-sawing back and forth between doing nothing and doing everything.

Let’s say you’re looking to make big changes in your health or fitness this year.

Rather than punishing yourself with long, hard workouts, deprivation diets, or overhauling your entire life that’s impossible to stick to … 


Don’t expect yourself to go from having lack of energy and joint pain to the energizer bunny pain free overnight.


This way it won’t feel like you have a HUGE mountain to climb. 

You’ll feel great about your progress, and you’ll be AMAZED at the improvements you make! 

There’s nothing more motivating than that. 

But even better, as you gain momentum you’ll start to do more – and it will feel EASIER.

PLUS: This approach makes it easier to keep up with your new habits over time. (aka easier to clean a clean house!)

What motivates YOU?

I’d love to know about it.

Drop me a comment or a message and let me know!

And if you’re ready to make some changes in your health/fitness, be sure to check go to maxstrengthfitness.com and request your free initial work out because everybody deserves to be healthy, fit and strong without breaking a sweat.

Thanks for watching! Make it a great day, I’ll talk with you again soon.